Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My name is Russell and I'm a score whore.

(In case it's not obvious a "score whore" is someone who only buys highly rated wines.)

I'm proud to admit this because I'm a whore in the best, truest sense. I want to try as many great wines as possible. So long as they don't cost too much. But I'm interested in high scores not high prices.

What does this mean? If something scores well, typically 90+ points in WS and it costs less than $18, I'm all over it like a white cheap-suit on rice. And I'm talking about pretty much anything. If it is a good example of a region or varietal, I want to try it. White, red. American, Chilean, French, Italian, or African. If it scores well, I want to try it. The upshot is that 85% or more of the wines I drink score well, getting 90+ points from WS or RP.

Why am I score obsessed? Because there are too many wines out there. I need some sort of filter. As it is, there are hundreds of 90+ point wines selling for under $20 every year. So there's no shortage of great, inexpensive wine.

I also drink wine by itself (sans food) most of the time (say the last half bottle), so I'm looking for good "solo" wines which tend to score well, as opposed to good "food wines" which are a bit more restrained, but often don't score so well in our "bigger is better" reviewing system from WS or RP. Which brings me to the other meeting I've imagined attending...

My name is Russell and I've been sober for, uh, nevermind.